

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right. Proverbs 20:11


Halo, Hello, Let’s visit the South Seas.  Today we’re going to take a peek at an island country called Vanuatu.  This is probably a more uncommon place but there are people who live there who have a story that is just as interesting as the next. Vanuatu is made up of about 80 islands and the fifth largest one is called Tanna. For many years Great Britain and France governed the New Hebrides. During World War II the New Hebrides was a military base for the Allies. While the troops were there many airstrips, bridges, and roads were built. In 1980 the New Hebrides became an independent nation and this is now the country of Vanuatu.

299,882 people live in Vanuatu. The official language is Bislama and the capital is Port Vila. Most of the people are Melanesian. 

My interest in the islands of the South Seas probably began when I was in 4th grade. Since most of my life I've been interested in being a missionary to a foreign land I always was intrigued by the stories about other countries and the missionaries. 

When I was in 4th grade I had to read the book Children's Missionary Library for Literature.  I was especially captivated by the story of John G. Paton who was a missionary to the islands of Tanna and Aniwa. For the next year or so I was going to the South Seas to be a missionary when I grew up.  The years have past and I don't care so much about going to the South Seas. But I still think that the story of John Paton is very interesting.

Another book that I read just recently is South Sea Island Rescue.  This book tells the story of Johns' growing up years, how he was called to be a missionary, and how he was able to spread the gospel to many people. Being a missionary at home or abroad isn't all roses, but we can have joy in knowing that we are serving where God wants us to and he will give us strength.

Here is a link to read more about the missionary history of Vanuatu and to meet missionaries in the South Seas. Just explore and learn what you can. And then pray for the needs you see.


For the next several posts I'm going to share some little things that we used to do when we were younger for entertainment. Things that our mom came up for us or things that I've done to entertain little children.  Most of us have little children that we interact with: siblings, nieces, nephews, children, grandchildren, etc. And it often doesn't take very much to keep them occupied.  So these are just going to be simple little things that are easy to do.   

#1. Calendar Matching Game

This game is for children who are old enough to match things up.
What you'll need
An old calendar, I know I used one from this year but I prefer to use an older one.  Also it needs to have the little pictures on the back.

Cut out the little pictures on the back so that you have 12 little pictures.

Open the calendar to the center and tear out each folded section. (Like you tear out a test from the center of a School Book😀)
Once you have all the pages separated cut down the center on the fold.
When you're done you should have 12 bigger pictures.
You now have a nice little matching game.  You can lay out the big pictures on a table, the floor, or wherever you have space and reshuffle them once the child has matched them up with the little ones.
Have fun!


And now for the winner of last weeks giveaway!...

...Is Cabin Life! I think I have your address so I will send those to you as soon as I get them made.  

Also, an apology to anyone who has tried to comment and hasn't been able to. I did change the comment box to a pop-up style which is supposed to work better. Sorry about the inconvenience and hopefully it works now 'cause I really enjoy the feedback.😜

Blessings to you in the coming week. 

Baibai. Good bye.


Cabin Life said…
I can't say I've ever heard of Vanuatu. But, I'm interested in learning more about it now. So thankful we have missionaries who are led by The Lord to preach the gospel in these nations. People need Jesus!

Woo Hoo! I'm so happy to have won the drawing and thank you so much!

:) :) :) :)