Papua New Guinea, Part II




Avinun, Greetings, I know, we talked about Papua New Guinea before,  but I decided to do a part II and introduce you to a couple more books and a CD/tape set.

So, a few more bits and pieces about Papua New Guinea:

* Papua New Guinea takes up the eastern half of New Guinea

* New Guinea is the 2nd largest island in the world.

* Papua New Guinea gained complete independence in 1975.

* Mount Wilhelm is the highest mountain at 14,793 ft.

* The money in Papua New Guinea is called the kina.

* Most people raise crops for a living.

* Copper is the most valuable resource exported from Papua New Guinea.


Now to introduce you to my books:

The Pineapple Story

This is either a book

or a tape or CD set

I’m most familiar with the tape set, which we listen to every night at bed time.  So, we quote Otto Koning who was a missionary in Dutch New Guinea.  He and his wife Carol and their young son Otto, Jr. moved in with a native tribe and there they ran a clinic and trade store and tried to learn the language.  The pineapple story series are packed full of interesting stories and practical wisdom including learning to give up our rights, ways to pray, weapons of spirtual warfare, and much more.  Otto has an interesting way of speaking and has caused me to think more seriously about life. The series is all pretty expensive but you can find it on Amazon and various other places.

The book tells about the part of his life where Otto was learning about giving up his rights, time, reputation, and health.


Channels of Spiritual Power

(Don’t judge a book by it’s cover)

This book is not a storybook, although it does have some stories in it.  In this book Frank C. Laubach explains to us how we can change the world.  Don’t you ever wish you had the power to? For me, it is a good book to read when I wonder what I can do for God.  It has a lot helpful things about prayer and being filled with the Holy Spirit.  Reaching out to God with one hand saying, “What shall I do next?” and the other hand to the world saying, “What can I do for you ?” Channels of spiritual power.


If you checked out Ethnos 360 two weeks ago you might have seen the videos “Ee Taow” and “The Next Chapter”.  These are two videos about a missionary, Mark Zook, to New Guinea.  They show how he told the natives about the Bible and Jesus and then how he encouraged them to go tell the neighboring villages.  And the Gospel continues to travel.  Every time I watch these videos it fills me anew with the longing to go be a missionary to some people who have never heard the good news.  but right now what I can do is pray for those people that others could be missionaries and tell the good news near and far.  Pray with me.




And now for the thing you can make… Today I’m going to show you how to make refills for a Dental Floss holder.  This is another thing that can be used as a gift for someone and may seem rather unusual but I think people like them, maybe partly because of that.  It’s very simple, but can take some time.

What you’ll need:


Paper cutter (optional)

1 piece of typing paper

an empty dental floss holder

clear tape

#1. Cut 6 (or more) strips of paper 1/8” wide or maybe narrower depending on how big of a hole it will need to come out.

#2. Decide on what you’re going to write on the strips.  I chose to copy a psalm.  Some of my students chose random Bible verses for theirs and we also talked about doing Math problems, writing encouraging notes, etc.  It is best to use a fine point pen 0.5mm would probably be best but you can also use a pencil, or other size pen.  Leave about ½” before you start writing on every paper but the first so that you can tape the pieces together without hiding words. Stop about 2” before the end of the last paper since that part will probably stay inside the dental floss holder.

#3. Once you have finished writing on all the papers use a small piece of tape to connect each strip.  Overlap the strips so that they stay together better.

You should now have a long string which will be your new “dental floss”. Mine is approximately 5’ 3 ½” long.

Now open your dental floss holder.  Inside should be a plastic roll.  This is what the dental floss is wrapped around and it spins so that the floss can come out.  Tape the blank end of your “dental floss” to the roll with the writing side up.  Now you just need to wrap it all into a roll.

Roll it all up until there is just enough to come out the hole to the place where it gets cut.

Put the roll inside the dental floss holder and put the paper strip up through where the hole will be.  Close the holder and lay the “dental floss” under the “cutter”.

This is how it should look.

⭐Optional Activity

What you’ll need:

¼ piece of cardstock

Colored pencils

Sharpie pen



Dental Floss

Design a card to fasten your finished Dental Floss Holder onto.

This is what I did with mine and now it is all ready to go brighten someone’s day. 

Happy Day!  Good-bye. Gutbai Lukim yu behain.

Sources: World Book Encyclopedia

Ethnos 360

Channels of Spiritual Power

The Pineapple Story




smile said…
Thanks for the book recommendations. I actually go to church with some college students from Papua New Guinea, so this was a very interesting, informative read for me.
I'm glad if it's helpful. I love to read so I get through a lot of books. It would be interesting to meet someone from Papua New Guinea.