

 Suffer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14



Namaste, hello, today we are going to “visit” the country of India. We’ll start with a few facts and then see what all else we can come up with. :)

  • India is the largest country in southern Asia.

  • It became an independent nation in 1947.

  • The capital of India is New Delhi.

  • Although there are many languages the official one is Hindi.

  • One of every 6 people in the world lives in India.

  • 1,392,700,000 people call India home.

  • 40 cities in India have over 1 million people living in them.

  • The city with the most people, Mumbai, has over 12 million.

  • About 2.3% of the population is Christian. 


    And the mission I am going to talk about today is Mission India.

    I'm not going to tell you very much because you can go read there stories and hear about what's going on in India by clicking the link above.Mission India is working in India to plant churches. They work with children: doing Bible clubs where they tell them about Jesus, sing songs, play games, and do skits, they work with adults in helping them learn to read and also introducing Jesus to them and then they teach believers to plant churches. There are many people in India who still need to hear the good news about Jesus. Our prayers are a first step in helping and then we can learn more about the needs and follow God's leading to do the things He asks of us in the places He calls us to.


    A Chance to Die

    Is it bad to introduce a book which you haven't completely read? I don't know, but I'm going to do it anyways. This book is about Amy Carmichael a pretty well-known missionary to India. It is a very large book, 382 pages to be exact, which is why I'm not all the way through it, because I do have other things that need done too. Elizabeth Elliot, missionary to South America, wrote this book about Amy's life starting with her childhood and going through her whole life. Amy was a determined woman, who, when she set her mind to do something did it no matter the cost.  How many of us are willing to do that? She truly was sold out to God even if it meant "a chance to die". One of the things that caught my attention was that she was in India for 52 years without a furlough. And I think a year is a long time! I think I need to rethink some of my ambitions. And I'll try to finish the book. 


    God's Madcap: Amy Carmichael 

    This is another book about Amy Carmichael but it's shorter, with only 96 pagesπŸ˜€. Amy poured her heart into taking doing what God called her. She didn't care if people thought her crazy but did what she believed needed to be done. She answered God's call to be a mom to many children in India. What is God calling you to do? Are you doing it cheerfully? Am I?


    In today's project I am going to show a couple attendance chart ideas since we are currently having our annual VBS. I always enjoyed having attendance charts in Sunday School, Bible School, and such things so I like to do the same for my students.

    Our first project is a piggy bank, 

    what you'll need:


    razor blade

    pink paper

    yellow paper




    plastic bag

    hole punch

    This project is made "simply" by drawing a pig onto a white paper. I got a picture of a pig, traced it, and then added the money hole, and things like that. Once I had the pig looking the way I wanted I copied the pig onto pink construction paper that I had cut to 8 1/2 x 11 inches. Once I had all the pigs I did #1 on the above picture. 

    I used a razor blade to cut out the hole for the money to go into. I also cut slits above and below the head and after slipping name tags with holes punched in them onto the ribbon I slid it through the slits and taped the ribbon to the back as you can see in #3 of the above picture.

    I used mini Ziploc bags to catch the money in the back, but you could use any size.  I just cut a slot the same size as the hole in the piggy bank in the one side of the bag and then lined it up with the hole in the piggy bank and taped it in place. See #3 in the above picture.

    Once everything is securely held in place you can hang them up so that money can be dropped in to keep track of attendance. I used pennies in mine and the children loved getting money. 

    And of course it's fun to have a barn even though piggy banks don't usually live in barns. I actually took pictures of my students and put them inside the barn, since I made it to where we could open the doors. 

    I'll show one more project, which is actually the one I'm using right now.  
    All you'll need is:
    pint jars
    candy or some small toys, etc.
    So what I did the first day was give each child a jar to decorate with stickers and put their names on.  
    Now every day they attend they will get a piece of candy to put into their jar. 
    We are pretending that our class is a candy store.

    A peacock feather from India.

    alavida, goodbye. 


    World Book Encyclopedia, 1985 


smile said…
The candy jar idea looks like the best idea ever. Who doesn’t want to hang out in a candy store?❤️