Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.
Hello, today we are going to come a little closer home and “visit” Canada. Canada is probably in some ways more like the U.S. than other countries but it is still a unique country.
Here are a few facts about Canada:
- The official languages in Canada are English and French.
- Canada is the second largest country in the world.
- The capital of Canada is Ottawa.
- The names of the $1 and $2 canadian currency are loonies and toonies.
- Over 38 million people live in Canada.
- About 2%of the population are native Americans.
- Canada is made up of 10 provinces and 2 territories.
- Canadians eat more Macaroni and Cheese than any other country.
- Quebec produces 77% of the maple syrup made in the world.
There are hurting people everywhere and Canada is no exception. There are many people who don’t know about Jesus, our helper. They live and die without Hope, discouraged because there seems to be no way out. But there is hope for the hurting and there are different groups of people who answer Gods call on their lives and reach out to the hurting. Whether it’s with Bible School, being a good neighbor, offering services, visiting people, singing for them, there are lots of ways people reach out to the hurting and hungry souls of the people around them. Village Missions of Canada is a mission that is dedicated to helping the churches of Canada thrive even when it seems hopeless so that when people need help they have somewhere to go. If you’d like to learn more about what they do, help, the churches in Canada, or find more prayer needs click the link above. For now let’s keep the Christians in Canada in mind and lift them up to our Father. And if you live in Canada, blessings to you as you hold out your light. 🕯
Today I’m going to show you how to make an angel which can be used as a gift when you don’t know what else to do.
All you need:
A dish towel
A pot holder
A dish cloth
Ribbon or string
Cut two pieces of string 28” and 8” long.
Roll up the dish cloth and tie it to the pot holder. Make sure you keep it tight.
Once it is all folded, fold it in half length wise. At this point I try to make the front of the “face” pretty even.
Tie the body to the arms and wings.
Tie the hands together in the front with the shorter piece of string.
The angel is finished! You can hang her up with the pot holder loop.
Add a note:
I am your kitchen angel
I’ll watch over all you do,
Baking all those goodies,
And snitching one or two!
And ever tire of me,
Or some help is what your wish is,
Just untie my little ribbons,
And I’ll help you with the dishes.
Thanks for stopping in today. Have a blessed week. -Vanessa
Sources: World book encyclopedia, 1985