With love from Colombia #2

Abundantly Blessed 

 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20 

This week I don’t have a lot to share. But I would like to encourage you, and me, to look at our blessings. To look at the ways that we are blessed more than we can ask or think. This past week I’ve had the privilege of visiting an Indian village, of loving on little girls who need love, of playing games with children who don’t have good home lives, of passing out food to the hungry, singing to the hurting, and it helps me realize how blessed I am. It also makes me realize how weak I am on my own. How I can’t do much without God and without love.

We have the privilege of knowing God loves us, that He cares about us, and that He says we’re beautiful.
He knows the pain and struggles we go through and He knows that when it is done we will be even more beautiful. 

We can rest confident in the fact that in our weakness He is strong. His grace is sufficient.

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My grace 
Is just what you need,
Come to me and you
Shall always receive

My Grace.
In the times of life
When the days are full
Of toil and strife.

I will provide for everything, 
My power is perfect when you’re weak. 
No matter what you face,
I’m here with my grace, 
All that you must do is trust me.

My Grace 
Is just what you need.
Any moment
You can receive

My Grace.
Trust my loving arms
I will keep you 
from all harms

My Grace
Will sustain you,
Hold you up, and keep
You the whole way through

I love you.💕 

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Blessings to you as you walk in His grace. Adios!


smile said…
Yes, what a privilege indeed, as you said, “we have the privilege of knowing God loves us”. Thanks for writing this, Vanessa.
Cabin Life said…
Beautiful Vanessa!

What a wonderful ministry God has given you; to give love to these little ones and others. It pleases Him so. Love you!!! :)