By love serve one another…
One of the biggest keys to missionary life is being willing to serve. Jesus told his disciples that if they wanted to be greatest they would have to serve.(Matthew 18) It may seem like to be a missionary all we would need to do is tell people about Jesus, but what speaks to them more is when someone comes and shows them how Jesus is .
On our most recent trip we spent a week at the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) base in Manaus, Brazil. During our time there we were given quite a bit of time to relax and meditate and also given a lot of food for thought. One morning we talked about serving. Our contact, who I will call Louisa, shared some of her thoughts and I really appreciated them. I can’t remember everything, but I will share a little. She said often when we come to share the gospel with people they are busy and don’t have time to stop and listen to us give a sermon. The best way to let them hear the gospel is to help them. If they are planting corn, plant corn and talk. It doesn’t even need to all be spiritual. They will see your example and learn about Christ in that way.
We who want to be missionaries need to be willing to serve. And “missionaries” is anyone who is following the great commission and sharing the good news of Jesus whether it’s at home or in some other place.
Another thing I have been realizing more during these mission trips is how everybody in the whole world needs Jesus and all of us who know Jesus are supposed to share that good news. So far all the trips we’d gone on we had American contacts, but at this place the majority of the workers were Brazilian and only one was American. Some of the workers had been missionaries in other countries or places before. This really inspired me to be willing to serve God wherever and also that God had called people from all over to share his good news. It is a good example to us, as well, to be willing to serve anywhere whether it’s at home or abroad.
Some traditional foods in Brazil.
Fried plantain
Bread and coffee
We were here helping out at the YWAM (JOCUM in Portuguese) base in Manaus, Brazil. Some of the things they do here include river trips where they visit communities and do evangelism, classes for children who don’t have easy access to school, and visiting the elderly. They also have an orphanage/ foster home where we got to help some playing with children and cooking. If you want to learn more about what JOCUM does
click here. Please pray for them for protection as they prepare for a river trip and that God would continue to work through and use them.
Hopefully I can share some more fun facts about Brazil. For now, May God richly bless you and keep you. Keep serving well. You never know what a difference you’re making. Boa noite. Good night.