How time flies…


Time is a strange thing, or so I’ve heard.

And I’m beginning to believe those words.

Take a glance over your shoulder to ponder.

“How did time go so fast?” you might wonder.

Days creep, months fly

Another year has gone by.

“Could I have done better at using my time?”

This question bothers me sometimes.

“Should I have worked harder, had more rest,

Taken more time for others, or a little less?”

Minutes crawl, hours run,

And another day is done.

I never dreamed where I would go, 

What countries I’d see, or who I’d know,

When I started this year with a group of friends

In Colombia at the old year’s end.

Hours change, seasons pass,

How are we here so fast?

I’ve seen a lot of places,

Flown many flights,

Met humble faces, 

Seen famous sights.

And through it all I somehow sense,

I don’t need to worry how time went.

Through ups, and downs,

God’s grace  abounds.

And in the year coming as I strive to live,

For God and His glory, May I ever give

The time I’ve been given where He directs,

Whether or no it’s what I expect.

Days come, years go

Our God reigns and He’s in control.

Happy New Year!


smile said…
Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to reading about what all you will do with your time in 2023.
Cabin Life said…
It is amazing how fast life comes and goes but, as we all know "it is but a vapor". "Only one life will soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last". We live for that glorious day when we see Him face to face. The Lord is pleased that you want to live well for His glory! Happy New Year! :)