Where He Leads…

Where he leads me I will follow…
Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
3 John 1:11 

Note: This is a continuation of my posts about my time in South America…

After our Brazil trip we went straight to Peru to spend a week with an organization that does church planting. We flew into a small city where we met the missionaries we would be working with, then took a six hour bus ride to an even smaller city where we would be working. On the bus ride we exchanged seats every hour so we could all get to know each other.

Once we arrived at our destination we had a morning of training. We learned how to share the gospel with their method, the three circles. That afternoon we met our mission partners  (translators) and were paired up with them. We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and practicing telling  the gospel.

Sunday, after going to church and eating lunch, we drove out to the suburb areas where we would be doing our church planting. We met some people and went around the area prayer walking. 
The rest of the week was spent visiting homes, sharing the gospel, discipling church people, and having Bible studies.

Thursday we finished our normal visits early and in the afternoon headed into a new area further up the mountain. Since it had rained recently, mud was everywhere, and made the going hard. My flip-flops were soon caked in mud and with each step I wondered if they would be able to hold up to the strain. We passed a woman and her two daughters on their way home from school and greeted them according to culture. Since I was “the boss” it was my responsibility to decide who we talk to and I as I was wondering where to go next I  felt something inside me saying, “you could visit her.”  So we turned around and asked, “May we come visit you at your house?”

She agreed and we followed her up two steep, muddy hills to her house. Because the floor was dirt we did not remove our shoes when we entered. We sat down and asked our new friend how she was and if we could pray for her.

The care and interest we took in her life touched her and she began to share some of the struggles she was facing, and how she felt alone. We prayed with her, and then got to share the good news that God sees her and her struggles. He cares about her like we do and He wants to be her friend. 

When she understood that all she needed to do was believe the good news that Jesus came to make it possible for her to have a relationship with God, she wanted to accept it. In her own words she asked God to be her friend and told Him she believed the good news. The joy and peace on her face when she had finished reflected the way she felt inside.

Our week in Peru was spent sharing the Good News about Jesus to the people around us. The lessons I had learned in Brazil were preparation for what I was now doing. The organization, E3 Partners, has been able to lead many people around the world to Christ and their methods of discipleship helps ensure that people will continue spreading the good news even after foreign missionaries have left the area. If you’re interested in reading more about the work they do, please click the link above. 

Sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what or where God wants us, but when we truly seek Him and are willing he will work mightily through us. He used my team in Peru and He can use you wherever you are. Blessings as you serve the Lord in the place He has called you.


Cabin Life said…
There is probably no greater thrill that I can imagine than to lead another soul to Christ. Truly, "he who wins souls is wise". And, how pleased is our Father that another child has come back to Him. God bless you Vanessa for your willingness to be a vessel of honor unto The King! Love you so much :)