Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
When our team visited Panama we worked with Youth With A Mission. It was during our time there that I learned/understood a lot more about what YWAM does. The biggest thing that inspired me during my time there was seeing how each member of the team has and uses their special, God given gifts in different ways.
For instance, our contact was in charge of a Tuesday evening food distribution for the homeless and refugees in a nearby city. It was obvious that he enjoys his work and that he has spent time forming relationships with the people we visited each week. We made a large kettle of rice with chicken and vegetables and then put it in to-go boxes. When we distributed the food we took time to ask our new friends their stories and how we could pray for them. Another day we visited a home where they host refugees who are passing through. We helped clean part of the house and fix lunch for whoever was around. We also got to hear stories of how God has provided for them and protected them throughout the years. Because of our contact’s interest in the lives of those people our job was easier and we were accepted because we were with him.
Another example I saw was in a program the YWAM base does called the HOGAR program. Because many indigenous don't live close enough to high schools, children who are high-school age can come live at the base to continue their education. During the day they were at the school for their lessons, but a couple days a week we got to have a Bible study with them and when they were not busy with homework we did other activities. Watching those in charge of the HOGAR program interact with the teenagers was really inspiring to me. Seeing them take an interest in their lives, push the children to improve and just hang out and make memories showed their dedication to where God has called them.
I could keep giving examples, but I think you understand, the people we were with at the YWAM base were loving God with what they had and the passion they showed in the work they did was challenging to me. It’s “easy” to go into a place and work hard for a week or two, but to dedicate years to working like that was an inspiration that I saw in many of the different places we go.
I'm sure we've all heard "love the Lord thy God with all thy heart...soul...mind... and strength" as loving God with all we have. Everything we are. Sometimes that's a lot easier said then done. And sometimes it's easy to feel like there's so much bad and un-loveliness around that we wonder what truly loving God looks like. Getting to spend three weeks with a group of people who's main focus in life is "knowing God and making Him known" and using their gifts to do that was a good experience for me.
It inspires me to love God with all I am, with all my umph. Every, last part of me. So that those who see me know that God is here and is still working. I don't have to be doing something spectacular, just give all I have, and show my love for God wherever I am.
The YWAM base in Panama reaches out to many different groups of people: Indigenous groups, the homeless in nearby cities, refugees from Venezuela, and many more if you would like to learn more about the work they do click here. Please keep the staff in your prayers. Pray for inspiration, passion, energy, and wisdom as they continue reaching out to their community. Pray that their light would not go out, but that God would strengthen them and fill them with His love for the nations.
Some random facts about Panama:
The Baru Volcano(a dormant volcano) is the highest point in Panama.
The official language is Spanish, but there are several other tribal languages.
Because Panama is the "bridge to the world" there is a lot of foreign influence apparent in the stores, restarants, etc.
We ate at Taco Bell and Wendy's while we were in Panama.
Holjadres are a delicious traditional food which we had several mornings for breakfast.
The Panama Canal celebrated it's 108th anniversary the day we visited (2022)
Blessings as you love the people God brings into your life. Do something extra fun to celebrate His love for you. Give it all your umph.