July 27, 2023
Dear Diary,
Well, it’s over... Yesterday I said goodbye to my team of girls.
We flew back to Colombia several days ago and then went straight from there to the de-licing place to have our hair cleaned. None of our hair had many lice, which was very nice and since they knew there were eight of us girls coming they had two workers ready for us. It was a breeze and the first four of us who finished headed back to our hotel pretty soon to shower and bag up our licey things.
What’s for dinner… |
After lunch we had solo time and we leaders debriefed our trip and boiled all our hair stuff.
That evening and the next day were spent hanging out together, doing some sessions about re-entry, and souvenir shopping on Monserrate. Sadly, I lost “Boomer”, my water bottle who accompanied me in all my ultra trips, at the top in the Catholic Church where we sang..
We had many delicious meals, some Colombian, some American and fulfilled our goal of trying a new food by trying stuffed plantain. Then last evening we had prayer and said goodbye to our team and they headed to the airport to travel back to the U.S and now I’m here just relaxing today since I have no responsibilities until tonight when we have our “church” service. I also need to get a new water bottle…
Then later tonight a friend and I will be heading to Arauca on the bus to revisit old places and friends for the weekend. Hopefully I’ll be able to write a little bit about how that goes.
Looking back over my trip I am thankful once again to God for all he did for me and the opportunity to go back to Bolivia. It was good for me to see more of the global church again and give and take in close relationships with a group of girls. I want to keep taking time to hear peoples stories and to invest in relationships at home even though it might be different.
Goodbye for now…