With love from Colombia


Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. 
1Thessalonians 5:24

What has God called you to do? I’m not talking about something that looks or sounds glamorous. I’m talking about the job, whatever job it was that you were doing a few minutes ago or are going to do next. The thing that you’ve been dreading, or someone asked you to do and you’re doing even though you don’t feel like it.

The messy kitchen you need to clean up, the floor that needs swept, the meal that needs made, the laundry that needs hung out, the children that need attention. That stuff. The seemingly little things that pop up all over the place and are just a little annoying. Maybe you don’t have moments that you wish you could be doing anything (almost) except what you’re doing right now. If not, praise the Lord! And give me some tipsπŸ˜€ because this is something I struggle with sometimes.
Just in the past two weeks I’ve struggled with it. It feels so selfish and silly when I say it, but I really didn’t feel happy about the job that I was asked to do and inside I was wrestling with myself. Trying to be ok with doing something even when I didn’t feel like working. And suddenly the thought hit me, this is what God is asking me to do right now. Maybe I don’t like this job but this is what He wants me to be doing right now. And right away I felt better about the job. That doesn’t mean the job was easier, or that I liked it better, but my attitude toward it was different. This was a way that I could serve God.

He has called us to serve Him. He will provide the strength to do it. It may feel like a monstrous challenge or like some hum drum, boring, little job. But no matter what if that’s the next thing to do, it is a way to serve God. He who has called is faithful. He is always with us and He cares about each individual detail in your life. Rejoice in Him. Rest. There will be hard moments, but through it all we can learn more and more to do it for Jesus.
🧼 🧽  πŸ§Ό 🧽 🧼 🧽 🧼 
In the house and out of doors
Cleaning shoes and scrubbing floors
Washing, ironing, mending too 
And all the things we have to do.

I’ll do it all for Jesus
I’ll do it all for Jesus
I’ll do it all for Jesus
He did so much for me.

In the workshop all day long
When everything seems to go wrong
Working hard for little pay 
Asking God for grace this day.
Source unknown.


Cabin Life said…
Learning to surrender our will and submit to The Lord's will is very tough indeed (most of the time, actually). But, when we CHOOSE to be faithful in the little things, He can trust us with greater. Constant prayer finds fullness of joy in His presence. Therein lies our strength. :)