Love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy
mind; And thy neighbor as thyself. Luke 10:27
Buna ziua, Hello, Today we are
going to take a quick look at Romania. We’ll start with a few quick facts and then I have
a couple books I want to introduce to you.
¯The official
language is Romanian
¯The capital of
Romania is Bucharest
¯Around 75% of
the population lives in rural areas
¯Trains are the
main means of traveling long distance
¯Romanian money
is called the leu
¯Until 2017 you
had to have a license to own a TV or radio
Now for the books that I’d like to introduce to you: the first one is an older one which tells about when the Russians had taken over Romania and the second one is a little more recent.
In this book by Sabina Wurmbrand, also known as “The Pastor’s Wife”, tells about how life was for her during the communist rule of Russia. Imagine having your husband disappear, being taken to prison for no real reason, surviving hard work and terrible living conditions, and then getting out and waiting for your husband, who may or may not still be alive. Sabina tells about all this in her book The Pastors Wife. When she and her husband were both set free they traveled to America where they started VOM (Voice of the Martyrs) a ministry to let people know about the people who are in prison and being persecuted for Christ. If you check out there website you can find needs and prayer requests and ways to support our hurting members of our Christian family.
This book is much more recent and
tells about an orphanage which was run by CAM.
Johnny Miller the author tells about being father to all the children in
the orphanage in this book and another called “A Heart to Belong”. Funny
stories, sad stories, stories that show us the lives of the children and the
hope that they have in a God who loves them.
We have the second book on CD and love to listen to “Tata Johnny”, as he
is called, read them. You can buy all these things HERE.
And now for our last card in this
series of 8...
...Are a fun way to do a card.
All you need is a pen and paper and you can easily make something that
looks very nice. And you can hardly mess it up.
I’m just going to show a few of the different styles I’ve done. This
one is an idea I got off a card my cousin made. It’s fun to come up with different
flowers and just add scribbles for filler.
This one is made with a gel pen. My favorite pen is the Sharpie pen but
you can also use gel pens, or other black, or colored pen.
Another idea is to use flowers and vines to make letters for the fronts
of your cards.
Another fun one is to decorate the corners and then write across the
Or try doing this one. It’s
actually not very hard. Draw a zig-zag,
divide it into sections and fill them in with lines. Add bumps in between. Draw circles along the edges. Add “flower petals” inside the bumps(I usually
do five). Color in around the “flower petals”.
The endJ
This is another easy one that you can just use random doodles on. Make the center of your flower with a medicine cup or some other small circle. Add petals and then add whatever doodles you want. Swirls, checks, overlapping hearts or circles, chevron, etc. You can find more ideas on Pinterest or other places.
Now, since I'm done with showing you some of the cards I make I would like to finish up with a giveaway. All you have to do to be entered is comment which of the cards I showed was your favorite kind. Or if you'd rather you can send me an email at I will choose and announce the winner on April 27, 2021. The prize will be 6 of your favorite cards with envelopes.
Cu drag, with love, Vanessa
Sources: World Book Encyclopedia, 1985
A Heart to Belong
The Pastor's Wife
Voice of the Martyrs